Developed products

Report with good practicies in the field of social ecology and environmental protection
The Report with Good Practices in the field of Social Ecology and Environmental protection is the first Intellectual Output within the framework of the Erasmus+ project: “Social ecology – a model for sustainable European development in the 21st century”, [2020-2-BG01-KA205-079309], implemented by the Bulgarian Memory Foundation, Bulgaria –Project Coordinator, and the Association for Macedonian-Bulgarian Friendship, Republic of North Macedonia & Ecocenter Alapítvány, Hungary – Project Partners. The main objective of the project is, through an interdisciplinary approach, to develop an innovative methodology for building socio-environmental and eco-entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, to be developed and tested with 15 youth workers and 60 young people (50% of them in disadvantaged position), *contributing to their socio-educational and personal development and active civic participation, and *becoming an educational resource with free access.
Social Ecological Innovative Methodology
This social ecological innovative methodology, developed within the framework of the project: “Social Ecology – a model for sustainable European development in the 21st century”, 2020-2-BG01-KA205-079309, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, puts the environmental issues in a specific social context and takes into account the transformation of economy to circular and low-carbon. It defines the place of man in the system of dynamic bio-equilibrium of the planet, forming skills for critical thinking in young people and gradually building semantic memory.