In the period July 25-27, an interim coordination meeting was held within the framework of the project “Social ecology – a model for sustainable European development in the 21st century”

In the period July 25-27, an interim coordination meeting was held within the framework of the project “Social ecology – a model for sustainable European development in the 21st century”

In the period July 25-27, 2022, an interim transnational coordination meeting was held in the town of Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia, within the framework of the project “Social ecology – a model for sustainable European development in the 21st century”, №2020-2-BG01-KA205-079309, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2, of the European Union. The meeting was attended by two representatives of each project partner: Bulgarian Memory Foundation, in its capacity as coordinator, EcoCenter Alapítvány, Hungary and the hosting organization of the meeting: Association for Macedonian-Bulgarian Friendship, Republic of North Macedonia.

During the meeting, the results achieved so far were discussed, including the conducted blended mobility for youth workers in Sofia, the work on the Intellectual Outputs, as well as the schedule of the forthcoming project activities, i.e. elaboration of an innovative socio-ecological methodology, development of educational videos and implementation of a training event in Sofia for young people from the three countries.

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