About the partners

Bulgarian Memory Foundation (BGMF)
Bulgarian Memory Foundation (BGMF) is a non-profit organization founded in 2007 – the year of the Accession of Bulgaria to the European Union, working for and with young people. The Foundation has a great work experience with youth who are at risk of unemployment, marginalization and radicalization, coming from poor small cities and villages in the Southwestern and Northeastern regions of Bulgaria where they fall into the so-called disadvantaged category due to the economic and geographical reasons. Those young people are originated from families with low social status, living in the so-called mixed regions characterized with differences in ethnic and religious composition (as most of them are Muslims).
Bulgarian Memory Foundation (BGMF) is a non-profit organization founded in 2007 – the year of the Accession of Bulgaria to the European Union, working for and with young people. The program priorities of the Foundation are implemented in following main areas:
- Initiatives for development of knowledge-based economy through entrepreneurship, innovative and non-formal education methods;
- Youth educational and professional realization in Bulgaria and Europe through career orientation and development of key competences, transversal skills and skills for the future;
- Initiatives in the field of European integration and multicultural dialog of young people of young people from Bulgaria, Serbia, Republic of North Macedonia, Albania, Moldova and Ukraine;
- Educational initiatives for integration, social inclusion and European perspective of the young people in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian communities which are minorities in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership countries;
- Strengthening the sense of national and European identity of youth, through initiatives for preserving the Bulgarian cultural and historical heritage, part of the European civilization;
- Elaboration and implementation of methodologies for innovative education, promotion of European values and skills development (including through sport and physical activities).
Bulgarian Memory Foundation is a member of:
- Public Youth Affairs Council to the Minister of Youth and Sports at Ministry of Education and Sports, Republic of Bulgaria
- Committee on Interaction with Non-Governmental Organizations and the Complaints of Citizens to the 44th National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
The Foundation has a great work experience with youth who are at risk of unemployment, marginalization and radicalization, coming from poor small cities and villages in the Southwestern and Northeastern regions of Bulgaria where they fall into the so-called disadvantaged category due to the economic and geographical reasons. Those young people are originated from families with low social status, living in the so-called mixed regions characterized with differences in ethnic and religious composition (as most of them are Muslims).
The target group of the Foundation are mainly young people aged 15-24 years, in the transition of secondary to higher education and from higher education to the labour market. The specifics of the young people from Bulgaria is that they are mainly from small cities and villages in the Southwestern and Northeastern regions of the country and due to the economic and geographical reasons they fall into the so-called disadvantaged category. Young people are from families with low social status, living in the so-called mixed regions characterized with differences in ethnic and religious composition.
The Foundation has a wide network with schools, NGOs and representatives of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the country.
More than 11 000 young people from Bulgaria and the region of South-eastern Europe and the Eastern Partnership countries have been trained thanks to the a number of projects and initiatives realized in partnership with national and European institutions, business sector representatives, non-governmental and academic organizations, and “Erasmus+” Programme.
Working for and with young people, at the period of their transition from secondary to higher education, BGMF prepares and implements projects within the Key Actions 1,2,3 of “Erasmus +” Programme with aims at:
- Reducing the percentage of young people that leave school earlier and raising their awareness about the key role of education and the qualifications play for the successful implementation and integration of the young people in the society;
- Supporting the entrepreneurial spirit of youth and development of the social environment for the young people who are at risk of unemployment, marginalization and radicalization;
- Building European identity and sense of belonging of young people to the European family through promotion of European values, learning about others and overcoming the existing stereotypes;
- Emphasizing the importance of the non-formal education among youth to acquire 21st century skills such as: critical thinking skills, collaboration skills, communication skills, and creativity and innovation skills.
As a result, the Foundation acquires in:
- 2016, a mark for overall quality performance of a project titled “Youth forum for entrepreneurship and demography”, “Erasmus +” programme, Key Action 3: Support for policy reform
- 2017, a mark for overall quality performance of a project titled “Tolerance and solidarity: a tool for overcoming stereotypes among youth”, “Erasmus+” pro-gramme, Key Action 1: Learning mobility of individuals, Youth Sector
- 2018, a mark for overall quality performance of a project titled “Volunteering – a tool for increasing youth employment through developing skills”, “Erasmus+” programme, Key Action 1, European Voluntary Service
- 2020, a certificate for overall quality performance of a project titled “Increasing youth inclusion, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, the shared values of freedom, tolerance and respect for human rights in the context of overcoming radicalization and hate-based crime” , “Erasmus + ” programme, KA1
- 2020, a certificate for overall quality performance of a project titled “Enhancing critical thinking, sense of initiative and fundamental values among youth through development of media literacy, digital and civic competences”, “Erasmus + ” programme, KA1
BGMF has a great experience as coordinator of the following Erasmus Plus projects:
1) 2015-1-BG01-KA105-013485, “Identity of the Young People in Europe”, aimed at contributing to the construction of a European identity and strengthening the European principles and values of solidarity, democracy, friendship, tolerance, responsibility, freedom and justice, which underpins the European project;
2) 2015-2-BG01-KA347-014475, “COMPASS”, aimed at influencing decision makers through improved communication policy towards young people and raising their level of awareness, orientation and motivation for development opportunities and active start – in higher education, employment and entrepreneurship;
3) 2015-2-BG01-KA347-022626, “Youth forum for entrepreneurship and demography”, aimed at influencing horizontal youth policy, by liaison of entrepreneurship, youth employment and demographic challenges through conduction of a structured dialogue with policy makers;
4) 2016-1-BG01-KA105-023018, “Tolerance and solidarity – a tool for overcoming stereotypes among youth” promoting the ability of young people to communicate and work in a multicultural environment;
5) 2016-1-BG01-KA105-023016, “Creating an entrepreneurial culture among the youth” aiming at: *Helping young people in acquiring entrepreneurial skills; * Guiding young participants in their career orientation by examining the entrepreneurship from the view point of business, NGOs and education structures;
6) 2017-1-BG01-KA205-035758, „EntrepreneurshipXchange through project-based learning”, КА2. The project created new methodology that can be used in project-based learning to promote youth entrepreneurial skills and used interdisciplinary approach in Project based learning fostering innovation in education promoting youth Entrepreneurship competences.
7) 2017-1-BG01-KA105-035519, “Fostering entrepreneurship and financial literacy for overcoming the youth unemployment”, aimed at tackling youth unemployment through acquisition of skills in the field of financial literacy and entrepreneurship.
8) 2017-2-BG01-KA105-036426, “Volunteering – a tool for increasing youth employment through developing skills”;
9) 2017-2-BG01-KA105-036428, “Social inclusion of the youth through entrepreneurship”, aimed at tackling social exclusion among youth through creating entrepreneurship skills and fostering their opportunities to participate in the public life;
10) 2017-2-BG01-KA105-036427, “Developing innovative, creative and analytical thinking as a factor for youth employment”, aimed at development of a number of skills facilitating young people’s adaptation to the labour market;
11) 2018-2-BG01-KA105-048128 “Increasing the employment rate among young people through development of digital skills” aimed at developing digital competences contributing to increased chances for youth employment and tackling digital and social exclusion of young people;
12) 2018-3-BG01-KA105-061001, “Increasing youth inclusion, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, the shared values of freedom, tolerance and respect for human rights in the context of overcoming radicalization and hate-based crime”, aimed at developing of respective social and civic competences through non-formal learning methods;
13) 2019-1-BG01-KA347-061600, “Forum: The Skills and Jobs of the Future – Young People’s Viewpoint for Better Education and Employment”, aimed at enhancing structured dialogue among young people and institutions on key issued of youth concern such as skills and jobs of the future, education and perspectives for employment;
14) 2019-1-BG01-KA105-061425, “Stimulating youth employment and connectivity between young people from the EU and the Western Balkans by acquiring business skills and career guidance for the jobs of the future”, aimed at the development of transversal, digital and business skills and competences among youth with a view to the labour market of the 21st century;
15) 2019-1-BG01-KA105-061486, „Enhancing critical thinking, sense of initiative and fundamental values among youth through development of media literacy, digital and civic competences “, aimed developing specific digital, media, social and civic competences through the methods of non-formal education.
16) 2020-1-BG01-KA105-078703 “Improved digital and sustainable future of young people in Europe through enhancing diversity and developing transformative skills and skills of the future“.
17) 2020-1-BG01-KA205-078892 „Finding strength in unity and sharing common values: PBL and Values-based learning“.
18) 2020-2-BG01-KA105-079095 “Forming an eco-mindset and initiative among youth“.
19) 2020-2-BG01-KA105-079338 „Creating media literacy and identity of young people in the Internet“.
20) 2020-2-BG01-KA105-079093 “Digital entrepreneurship and media literacy for young people“.
21) 2020-2-BG01-KA205-079309 “Social ecology – a model for sustainable European development in the 21st century“.
22) 2020-3-BG01-KA205-094720 “Basic economic and financial skills of youth for building an “economy that works for people”.
23)2020-3-BG01-KA105-094755 “Building skills for digital and entrepreneurial competences development and formation of European values among youth”.
24) 2020-3-BG01-KA347-094727 Youth conference: “Ecology for Health – the viewpoint of youth in the context of the challenges with COVID-19”.
The team of the Foundation, headed by its Chairman – Dr. Milen Vrabevski, awarded with the Citizen’s Prize of the European Parliament for 2013, is composed of motivated and creative people with great experience in the above mentioned fields. Bulgarian Memory Foundation has developed managerial, administrative and technical capacity, which has the following logic and management structure: action plan-responsible person-deadline-follow-up-analysis-feedback, based entirely on positive thinking.

“Association for Macedonian-Bulgarian Friendship“, Republic оf North Macedonia (AMBF)
“Association for Macedonian-Bulgarian Friendship” (AMBF) – Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia (RNM) was established as non-governmental organization in September 2009. Over the years of its existence, the association has been focused on realizing initiatives in 3 main areas:
1) Assisting young people in their educational and professional development and realization;
2) Involving the younger generation with pan-European cultural, historical and European values;
3) Preserving the traditions and customs of the ancestors; celebrating public holidays; orientation to projects and initiatives in the field of education and sports, science and culture and European integration.
“Association for Macedonian-Bulgarian Friendship” (AMBF) – Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia (RNM) was established as non-governmental organization in September 2009. Over the years of its existence, the association has been focused on realizing initiatives in 3 main areas:
1) Assisting young people in their educational and professional development and realization;
2) Involving the younger generation with pan-European cultural, historical and European values;
3) Preserving the traditions and customs of the ancestors; celebrating public holidays; orientation to projects and initiatives in the field of education and sports, science and culture and European integration.
During its work with young people and youth workers, AMBF has accumulated extensive experience in the following areas:
- Non-formal education for young people and youth workers;
- Entrepreneurship and Social entrepreneurship, in particular;
- Application of problem-based learning methods in non-formal education;
- Sports initiatives and skills development during play, physical education and sport;
- Development of programs, materials and training methods, according to the youth’s needs.
As part of its regular activity, AMBF:
1) Develops and implements intercultural awareness, education, and informal education. Good intercultural awareness practices implementation, using the universal language of sports.
2) Encourages and moderates meetings to identify the needs of youth groups that can be properly addressed through transnational and European projects.
3) Encourages entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial mind-set in line with EU priorities, reflecting the interests and needs of the target group. Creating an entrepreneurial culture and fostering economic and financial literacy through the methods of non-formal education, project-based learning and sports.
4) Encourages the generation of new project partnerships at national and international level. The principles of partnership are at the heart of most entrepreneurial initiatives and are rooted in the basis of entrepreneurship-related training programs.
5) Organizes training activities for developing entrepreneurship and initiative skills through sports.
The Association has its own structures in the following cities Probishtip, Kratovo, Kumanovo, Skopje and Ohrid.
As part of its “Erasmus+” project participation, AMBF has successfully realized a number of initiatives that include sport activities as well. The Association has a rich experience in Erasmus+ project participation and implementation as a partner:
- Project “Identity of the Young People in Europe”, (2015-1-BG01-KA105-013485), “Erasmus +” Programme, Key Action 1
- Project “Creating an entrepreneurial culture among the youth” (2016-1-BG01-KA105-023016) “Erasmus +” Programme, Key Action 1
- Project “Tolerance and solidarity – a tool for overcoming stereotypes among youth”(2016-1-BG01-KA105-023018), „Erasmus +” Programme, Key Action 1
- Project “Developing innovative, creative and analytical thinking as a factor for youth employment”(2017-2-BG01-KA105-036427), “Erasmus +” Programme, Key Action 1
- Project “Social inclusion of the youth through entrepreneurship” (2017-2-BG01-KA105-036428), “Erasmus +” Programme, Key Action 1
- “Increasing the employment rate among young people through development of digital skills” (2018-2-BG01-KA105-048128) “Erasmus +” Programme, Key Action 1
- Project “Increasing youth inclusion, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, the shared values of freedom, tolerance and respect for human rights in the context of overcoming radicalization and hate-based crime” (2018-3-BG01-KA105-061001) “Erasmus +” Programme, Key Action 1
- „Stimulating youth employment and connectivity between young people from the EU and the Western Balkans by acquiring business skills and career guidance for the jobs of the future”2019-1-BG01-KA105-061425“Erasmus +” Programme, Key Action 1
- „Enhancing critical thinking, sense of initiative and fundamental values among youth through development of media literacy, digital and civic competences“, co-funded by the “Erasmus +” Programme 2019-1-BG01-KA105-061486
The team of the association is reliable and trustworthy partner. It is supported by youth workers and young volunteers.

The activity of Ecocenter Benefit Foundation connects education, culture, health and eco-friendly issues for sustainable, quality lifestyle and for the protection of the cultural and natural environment. The main activities of the Foundation are to provide education and trainings in various subjects for individuals, schools, SMEs and organisations, consultation and competence recognition services in order to connect education and training with the qualitative, sustainable lifestyle. The foundation regularly organise events, forums, workshops, health screening programs, conferences and thematic days for local people, children, youth, NGOs and companies in order to achieve its main goals.
Ecocenter is a Public Benefit Foundation. It was founded in 2011. Its main priority is to protect the human energy and health through the protection of the environment.
The activity of Ecocenter Benefit Foundation connects education, culture, health and eco-friendly issues for sustainable, quality lifestyle and for the protection of the cultural and natural environment. The main activities of the Foundation are to provide education and trainings in various subjects for individuals, schools, SMEs and organisations, consultation and competence recognition services in order to connect education and training with the qualitative, sustainable lifestyle. The foundation regularly organise events, forums, workshops, health screening programs, conferences and thematic days for local people, children, youth, NGOs and companies in order to achieve its main goals.
Ecocenter Benefit Foundation can contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the different segments of society providing possibility to improve their competences through different courses and activities. The Foundation has participated in volunteer program for youth and professionals in order to involve them to create an active society. The organization can bring closer the representatives of the different social areas – Education to the public – and economic needs, the cultural institutions and educational centres, the local authorities to the NGOs and general public as well and providing competitive opportunities to the different social groups.
As adults‘training provider, the Foundation is developing e-learning materials and helps improving the eco-friendly competences of different target groups – youth, SMEs, NGOs, educational institutions.
The Ecocenter has a wide network and database of representatives of national and local authorities, educational and cultural institutions, NGOs, companies and individuals.
The expertise of the key staff involved in the project guarantees the professional and competent execution of the tasks performance and the dissemination of the project outputs. The team aims to raise awareness in the target groups about the importance of developing green Mindset, soft and entrepreneurial skills.
The Ecocenter has good experience to discover various methods of creative and special educational methods and also of the development of sample training materials and methodology, including ICT elements.
They have a great experience in Leonardo da Vinci Innovation Transfer project and in the Erasmus Plus programme.